What’s Alison Hiding on Pretty Little Liars?

On Pretty Little Liars, Alison has some major secrets that often come back to bite her- and everyone around her- in a major way. Check out a few of Alison's biggest secrets!

The introduction of the Pretty Little Liars theme ends with the words, “Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.” However, what happens if one of them is supposedly dead but the secrets get out anyways? Or worse, when that supposedly dead girl returns from the grave? Here are some of Alison’s biggest Pretty Little Liar secrets. Spoiler alert! If you haven’t watched all the seasons, you may not want to read this right now!

Related: Pretty Little Liars Theme Song Clues

Alison’s Biggest Secrets on Pretty Little Liars

Her Alter Ego

Alison has a secret alias known as Vivian Darkbloom- Alison created her alter ego so that she could spy on A, after it was revealed that Alison was one of A’s victims. This is discovered when Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna meet at the greenhouse to trap A. Emily meets A with an empty box that is supposed to contain evidence for A. The other three girls could not make it to the greenhouse in time and Emily is attacked by A. When Spencer and Aria do show up, they scare A off but she drops her cell phone. The girls give the phone to Caleb to see if he can decrypt the files. He discovers an image of Alison’s fake ID where she has dark brown hair.

The Jenna Thing

This is a secret all the girls have but was masterminded by Alison. One night, all of the girls were in Emily’s house and Alison was looking at herself in the mirror when she suddenly says that she saw Toby looking in the bedroom window. Later we find out it was a lie, but then, it always is with Alison. Alison claims Toby is a pervert and Aria wants to tell someone what just happened. However, Alison has a better plan. Her plan is to walk next door to Toby’s house and set off a stink bomb in the garage where he spends a lot of time.

Related: Pretty Little Liars: The Girls of Rosewood

The other girls don’t like the idea but Alison convinces them that it is nothing more than a harmless prank to scare him off. She opens the back door of the garage and tosses the stink bomb inside. She tells the others to run but neglects to tell them that she saw Jenna inside the garage. She also didn’t tell them that she used a firecracker instead of a stink bomb. An explosion occurs and they hear Jenna scream from inside the garage. Jenna ends up blind from the explosion. Alison blackmails Toby into confessing it was him that caused the explosion or she will expose the truth about him and Jenna having sex.


What does Alison do when she catches Aria’s dad kissing another woman? Why, she blackmails him, of course!  But she REALLY needed the money, so really, we should totes forgive her, right? I mean, she REALLY needed it!

Affairs galore

Off the top of my head, there was Ian, Ezra and a brief fling with Emily. Then that guy who stabbed her when she was on the run. Alison had many affairs, and many of them came back to bite her in some way.

Not being dead

I’d say the fact that she wasn’t dead for years was probably Alison’s biggest secret of all! Alison supposedly died in her back yard. Her mom even buried her! You don’t get much more dead than that! But she made it out alive and went on the run until she could figure out who was after her. Turns out, the very person who helped her leave was the one who she feared the most…back then. Years later, Charles brought a whole new A game to town.

Alison is a girl with many secrets. I can’t wait to see how many more of them come back to bite her when the second part of the 6th season starts back up! These are what I’d call her “biggest secrets” but I’m sure she’ll have more soon!

What do you think are Alison’s biggest secrets on Pretty Little Liars? Tell me in the comments!

(Photo Credits: ABC Family)


28 thoughts on “What’s Alison Hiding on Pretty Little Liars?

  1. My preteen is infatuated with this show! It is ALWAYS on at our house! lol I’ve gotten totally sucked in too as some of the scenes are really engaging!

  2. I have not seen the show but I think that it would be a fun show to watch. Reading over the post there is a lot of suspense and I love that kind of show.

  3. I never got into this show. My niece loves it and DVRs it every week. I suppose it’s the next generations version of Beverly Hills 90210!

  4. I also think the biggest secret was that Alison wasn’t dead, either. I was shocked when I read that part in the book.

  5. i haven’t seen this movie (tv show). I’ve been reading reviews about this show everywhere. So popular

  6. I have not watched a single episode of this show. As I read through your post, I just could not believe how someone can fake their own death. Must be pretty interesting.

  7. The Pretty Little Liars is something I have not yet watch. I have not had anytime to watch tv lately so maybe this weekend I can for sure watch it on Netflix. That is the beauty of Netflix by the way, you can watch anytime. Thanks for sharing.

  8. We are so behind in Canada. We just got season 5 on Netflix on July 1st. I’m anxiously awaiting season 6. I love Alison, I Love this show and can’t wait to see whats next.

  9. I’ve heard a lot and read a few about this show, but I haven’t seen it yet. Also, we just got Netflix so I will check this out. I think it’s a fun show.

  10. Pretty Little Liars is one of my favorite shows. My Daughter and i watch it together. I love Alison she is so mysterious. She has so many secrets.

  11. I have been watching this show since day one. I’m 40 and I watch it alone. LOL It’s really fun and entertaining for me to just sit, relax and watch. But the story lines sure do turn and twist.

  12. Is Pretty Little Liars just like Gossip Girl in a sense? Seems like they are from the same creator. I may have to check this show out even though I will start off seasons behind current watchers. I love shows that have longevity and plot twists.

  13. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t read through the entire post since I’m not quite finished with the show. I have been so busy lately, therefore I haven’t had a chance to watch the last few episodes. 🙂

  14. I’m not familiar with the show, but have to comment on that dress. With the exception of the brooch in the middle of the sash, that dress featured above is gorgeous. I love all of the sparkly flower detail.

  15. This show sounds like a whole lotta drama. Which means I obviously need to watch it like stat.

  16. I watched this show when it first came on but haven’t watching in awhile. I bet my daughter would really get into it. She loves shows with drama.

  17. I still have this on my saved list on Netflix. I need to actually sit down and watch this show from the beginning. I’m missing out.

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