The Night Before Movie is an upcoming Christmas comedy movie that is due to be released in theaters on November 20, 2015. The movie is directed by Jonathan Levine, produced by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg and written by Jonathan Levine, Evan Goldberg, Kyle Hunter and Ariel Shaffir. Initial photography on The Night Before started on August 11, 2014, in New York City. The actual filming of the movie started three days later on August 14, 2014, in New York City, near 112th Street and Broadway. Seth Rogen was spotted filming some scenes in Manhattan, outside of a church, on August 22, 2014. The movie crew was also spotted on January 5, 2015, taking pictures of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center.
The Night Before is rated R due to its drug use, language. The movie surrounds three childhood friends; Ethan, Isaac and Chris. Each and every year, they get together on Christmas Eve for a night of crazy fun. However, the men are now entering adulthood so they want their last bash to be a big one. So they set out to find the party of all Christmas parties, the Nutcracker Ball.
Watch The Night Before Christmas Comedy Movie here:
Cast of The Night Before Christmas Comedy Movie
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Ethan
- Seth Rogen as Isaac
- Anthony Mackie as Chris
- Lizzy Caplan as Diana, the love interest of Ethan
- Jillian Bell as Betsy, the wife of Isaac
Trivia of The Night Before Christmas Comedy Movie
- This isn’t the first movie that Seth Rogen and Lizzy Caplan star in together. Previously, they have starred in Freaks and Geeks in 1999 and The Interview in 2014.
- This is also the third movie that Seth Rogen stars in with Joseph Gordon. Previously, they starred in 50/50 in 2011 and The Interview in 2014.
- Lizzy Caplan and Helene York have also worked together in the past on the Showtime series Masters of Sex.
- Joseph Gordon and Michael Shannon have also worked together in the past, working on Premium Rush in 2012.
Save the date for this upcoming Christmas Comedy movie.
This movie looks hysterical. I can’t wait to see it.
This is the first time I’ve heard of this movie! I really like JGL! Lol. He’s an awesome actor. I would love to watch this film.
I never heard about this movie and it looks a lot of fun. I will check this
Oh I hope this comedy turns out to be as good as it looks! I love Seth Rogen!
I would love this movie if Seth Rogan wasn’t in it.
I keep seeing previews for this… I LOVE a good Christmas comedy! Looks like a great date night movie!
I’ve seen so many previews for this! I can’t wait for date night- looks like the perfect movie!
Oh my gosh, that lineup! I bet this one is going to be full of juvenile humor that we all secretly enjoy in a movie like this. lol
Oh my gosh, that looks hysterical! I love these guys.
We always catch Seth’s movies. I just think he’s hilarious in most of them, this looks like it will be good.
I love comedies. I am looking forward to watching this one with my husband.