Kong: Skull Island Trailer: King Kong is EPIC


Watch Kong: Skull Island Movie Trailer! King Kong rising in front of the sun is so epic

Have you watched the new Kong: Skull Island trailer? The movie scenes showcased are epic!! This monster movie is due to be released in theaters on March 10, 2017. It is a reboot of the King Kong film franchise that includes:

Related: 7 Epic Kong: Skull Island Movie Quotes

It is the 2nd movie in the Godzilla/Kong franchise, with the 1st being the 2014 Godzilla. Watch the trailer below:

There are also 2 more movies in the works:

  • Godzilla 2- due in theaters on March 22, 2019
  • Godzilla vs. Kong- due in theaters on May 29, 2020

Kong: Skull Island Movie Trailer Review

Kong: Skull Island movie is set in the 1970’s and focuses on Captain James Conrad, a former Special Air Service officer, who forms a team of experts and soldiers who travel to a mystical island that is filled with strange, dangerous creatures, including King Kong.

The Kong: Skull movie features the cast of:

  • Tom Hiddleston as Captain James Conrad
  • Samuel L. Jackson as Packard
  • John Goodman as Bill Randa
  • Brie Larson as Weaver
  • Jason Mitchell as Glenn Mill
  • Terry Notary as King Kong

Okay, first off, let me say that I was not a huge fan of the King Kong movies until I watched Kong: Skull Island trailer! This one does look pretty good. I love how they have ominous horn trumpets and heavy drums beating. It really makes you interested in the movie. The best part, I think, was about 2 minutes into the trailer, there is silence for a quick second, then we hear the sound of a beast growling and then see King Kong rise up. We only see brief glimpses of King Kong in the trailer but man, does he look huge! And I do mean HUGE!

We also see this large, and I do mean LARGE reptilian monster that frankly makes a normal sized alligator look rather cute. It appears this island has some rather gigantic creatures. I certainly would not want to be on that island, or anywhere near it for that matter.

Also, I think the group that goes to the island has different intentions on doing so. For instance, Captain James Conrad has a genuine reason for wanting to go to Skull Island. His brother was stranded on the island while searching for a mystical serum that is said to cure every disease and every illness. However, Bill Randa, who is some type of government official, I think, is going to the island with nothing more than the intention of getting the serum and making money off it.

I cannot watch to watch this movie when it hits the theater in March! It looks EPIC.

How about you? Did you watch Kong: Skull Island trailer? Are you looking forward to watching the movie?

13 thoughts on “Kong: Skull Island Trailer: King Kong is EPIC

  1. The trailer promises another action packed thriller. Would love to watch the movie. Always been a fan of the Kong movies.

  2. This movie looks intense! I can’t wait to watch it! I was at the edge of my seat while watching the trailer! I hope it’s awesome!

  3. That’s a little terrifying but exciting nonetheless! I’d love to see it, I’m sure it’s a great movie!

  4. I have not seen this one either. My kids might like it.

  5. I have been so excited to see Kong: Skull Island. I’ve never seen a King Kong movie and I love that this is a movie to introduce me to that world.

  6. I’ll probalby see it. These kinds of movies are right up my alley. 🙂

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