Featured Craft of the Week: DIY Minecraft Foam Sword Craft for Kids

This week’s featured craft actually comes from my site, Pretty Opinionated. It’s a DIY Minecraft Foam Sword for your little Minecraft fan. Now let me tell you a little secret (although if you’ve been paying attention, it’s not really much of a secret): I am not very crafty! Yet, when my son wanted a $30 Minecraft foam sword from the store, I about fell over. $30 for foam? Have they gone round the bend? So we ran to the craft store and picked up some foam. Then I slaughtered a cardboard box and got to work. Check it out!

Featured Craft: DIY Minecraft Foam Sword

Featured Craft of the Week: DIY Minecraft Foam Sword

This DIY Minecraft Foam sword cost me less than $5 to make. Not to bad, right? I included a tutorial and some tips on how to make this Minecraft craft for kids. I’m going to tell you right now, this craft is not a five-minute deal. It took me a good two hours to put it all together. I think those who are more crafty would probably be able to get it done much faster. I work slower because it takes me some time to visualize what I’m doing.

I made this Minecraft Foam Sword about 8 months ago and it’s still holding up pretty well! The key is making sure you reinforce the back with some extra tape. But you can read all about that in my post. So go check it out!

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3 thoughts on “Featured Craft of the Week: DIY Minecraft Foam Sword Craft for Kids

  1. That’s cool! My 10 yr old is really into minecraft. My 4 yr old love to watch him and tries to play it on my kindle. I bet he’d love the sword

  2. This sword is pretty cool. I don’t think I’d want to spend 2 hours making it tho. My girls love mine craft, but I think I’ll pass on this craft :/

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