Party Like a Glader with Our Maze Runner-Inspired Games!

Get ready to celebrate the release of the new Scorch Trials movie with a fun bash, complete with awesome Maze Runner party games for teenagers!

Ready to celebrate the release of the new Scorch Trials movie with a fun bash, complete with awesome Maze Runner party games for teenagers!

The Maze Runner series by James Dashner is the hottest thing out there right now!  And to think you have to wait until 2016 for the fifth book!  If you are looking for a theme for your next party, this is the one you want.  There are so many fun things you can do when it comes to having a Maze Runner themed party.  Check out below for some ideas, the last one is my favorite.

Related: The Best Moments of the Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials Trailer

Maze Runner Party Games for Teenagers

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Lego Maze:

You need a few of those green bases, a bunch of lego pieces and one marble for each maze (if you don’t have any, check your little brother’s room, I am sure he has a bunch of Legos).  When your friends get to the party, have them make their Lego maze.  Once everyone has made one, set the timer on your iPhone to see who can get their marble to the end first.  You can even give out prizes if you want.


Have you ever seen your parents watching this show?  You can make this so fun!  Create a few different categories with topics from the book (or themes: like Dystopian Fiction, Mind Control, Survival Skills, etc)  and a few questions in each category.  This can be played in teams or individually.  Each question has a monetary value attached to it ($100, $200, $300) and you can use candy to represent the money.  For example, one Hershey Kiss for $100 or two for $200 and you get the idea.  The person with the most Hershey Kisses at the end wins the game!

Crepe paper maze:

Easy setup!  All you need is crepe paper, in any color and a place to set up the maze.  A hallway always works well, but you can also use your living room or family room and incorporate the furniture to make it a bit more challenging.  If they break the paper they are out (and you have to replace it).  I suggest removing shoes for this one, rubber soles on your sneakers might catch on the flimsy paper and tear it!

Who am I?:

This one is super fun!  On separate pieces of paper, write down the names of each character and place them in a bowl.  When your guests arrive, have them choose a name, but they can’t look at it (you might want your mom or someone not involved to help out with this so it is fair).  Using double sided tape, stick the name to your forehead, so everyone can see it but you.  Now you have to go around throughout the party and give other people clues as to who they are, and they give you clues as to who you are.

Related: The Cast of Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Capture the Flag (with a twist): So you know that capture the flag game that Tris plays with Dauntless in Divergent? Well, you can actually make that work well for Maze Runner. This works best if you live in an area with a lot of woods or other places that you can roam free, but it can work in your house too. Have someone who isn’t playing (your parents, maybe) hide the “flag.” Set a base for your Glade and divide into teams. Choose a runner to start. Blow a whistle and have them run to try to find the flag. The catch? They have two minutes (or less, if you have a small area, more if you have a HUGE area) to try to find it and get back to you. If they can’t find it but make it back, they have two minutes to confer with their team and try to explain where they looked. If they don’t make it back in time, they’re out. For game purposes, dead. First team to find the flag wins.

Whatever you decide to do for your Maze Runner themed party will be fun.  Don’t forget the cake, snacks and other food!  Themed parties are always a fun way to spend your birthday party, or even your next sleepover.  You can even make these delicious Maze Runner Cupcakes.

Feeling WICKED? Give your runners a taste of sweet freedom with these deceptively delicious Maze Runner Cupcakes that look like corn on the cob!

What other types of Maze Runner party games for teenagers have you tried? Tell us in the comments!

23 thoughts on “Party Like a Glader with Our Maze Runner-Inspired Games!

  1. I have never watched the movie before, but these are certainly fun ways to celebrate the release! Those cupcakes look scrumptious, too.

  2. My kids would love the cupcakes. It’s a nice idea to use jelly beans. My kids would enjoy decorating the cupcakes. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think this is a perfect party game for teenagers. I have never watched the movie Maze Runner. Sounds interesting. I have to check it out

  4. I think Capture the Flag is fun. My kids would like that (both the younger ones and the teen/grown kids).

  5. Maze Runner is relatively new to us, so we haven’t attended or hosted any themed gatherings yet. However, the Capture the Flag game sounds like fun.

  6. I do love a good themed party. This would be perfect for our family – love those cupcakes!

  7. What a great party theme – and I love puzzle games!! We’re looking forward to the next movie, also 🙂 Those cupcakes are making me a bit hungry right now. lol

  8. I don’t really have to be familiar with the movie to not enjoy these games! How awesome, thanks for the ideas!

  9. These sound like so much fun! In the past, we played a game where we would blindfold one of our team mates and guide them through a ‘maze’ of furniture and objects until they reached the very end. The team who got their mate to the end line first, won! It was a lot of fun and we all had such a laugh.

  10. These are great ideas! I especially love the Lego idea, we’re big fans of Legos here. This would make a fun night for my daughter and her friends, thanks!

  11. Those are super fun ideas for a party. I can see how those could be easily adapted for lots of different party themes.

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