Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence: Great Book for Kids

We received a complimentary copy of the great book for kids, Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence. All opinions are our own.

Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence: Great Book for Kids

When author Lisa Cohn reached out to us to review her book for kids, Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence, I was immediately drawn to the story behind the book. Lisa explained that she co-wrote Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence as a way to help her family get past the loss of their beloved canine companion, Lucy. Guess who helped her co-write the book? Her 5-year-old son, Michael! Together, they created a beautiful story about a boy and his dog.

Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence: The Story of a Boy and His Dog

From the very first page, this story felt incredibly familiar to me. See, Sebastian, AKA “Bash” is a talkative child. He talks pretty much non-stop from morning to night! My son, Jacob is a talkative child too.  But that’s not what really drew me in. Lucy, the beautiful Golden Retriever and constant companion to Bash, is a bit of a fetch fanatic. She loves to go to soccer practice with Bash and especially loves to fetch the ball. Alas, she does it at the worst possible moments, sometimes even flattening the ball to a pancake.

Meet my own personal version of Lucy:

Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence: Great Book for Kids

Okay, so she’s a German Shepherd rather than a Golden Retriever, and her name is Tasha, not Lucy, but other than those minor details, she is exactly like the title dog of the story! I can’t tell you how many balls, balloons and other round objects we’ve lost to the jaws of my queen of fetching!

Lucy’s antics really upset the team coach and he gives Bash 30 seconds to explain WHY she needs to be at soccer practice. While Bash and the team give some very legit reasons for having her there, the coach overrules them and sends her home. When Bash returns and soccer practice continues, though, it’s not quite the same. In fact, spirits are down and the kids are misbehaving! Fortunately, Lucy still ends up saving the day and teaching the coach an important lesson about teamwork!

Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence: Great Book for Kids

The illustrations in Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence are sweet and charming. They really show off the emotions in Bash, Lucy and the team, especially when Bash is upset about sending Lucy home. Illustrator Heather Nichols did a fantastic job of conveying the soft, furry sweetness of Lucy. The story was also a finalist in the USA Best Book Awards for its category. Even if you don’t have a dog, I highly suggest checking out Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence with your little one. Take a look at the book trailer, which was created an award-winning teen videographer. I love, love love this trailer! It gives me a giddy, happy feeling. You have to watch all the way to the end to hear Micheal’s finally message.

Connect with Lisa & Michael Cohn

Buy your copy of Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence on Amazon. While you’re waiting for it to arrive, check out the Bash and Lucy website. I especially love Micheal’s Dog Blog! Like on Facebook and follow on Twitter to keep up with news.

12 thoughts on “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence: Great Book for Kids

  1. I don’t have a dog, but my grandson has a special little dog named Skipper and I would give the book to him.

  2. We have a dog by proxy…our sitter brings her dog everyday & we love her. We love seeing Bridget every day & she brings us a lot of joy!

  3. I would give this to my granddaughter who has a dog Saugeye which we call fish dog related to the Saugeye fish, and they love this dog, I have cats, but all of my kids and grandchildren have dogs, from Kona who lives in California, the Mooshu who lives here in Oklahoma to Lillie who love to run and jump, and lives here in Tecumseh

  4. I’d like to give this to my great niece and great nephew as they can’t have pets but do like animals 🙂

  5. We don’t have a dog, but my daughter absolutely adores dogs. hmm maybe one day.

  6. We are a dog family. At my house (Grandma’s) we have an English Springer Spaniel named Marley and a Cocker spaniel named Mocha. At my grandson’s house, he has a Cocker Spaniel named Tucker. I would give this book to my grandson, who love his puppies.

  7. I have 3 babies.. Ducky, Jada, and Brutis. They are all my sweet babies.. They are so smart and are always loyal. They listen so well.. Love them. I would give this to my stepdaughter and she would love it.

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