“Lost Souls” and Found Heroes: Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Recap #Arrow

We're here with your Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 recap to get you caught up on all the happenings with the Arrow Crew! You don't want to miss this one!
Wow! Last night’s Season 4 Episode 6 of Arrow was pretty awesome! The episode was aptly titled “Lost Souls,” and everyone was feeling a little lost last night. On the other hand, Team Arrow did score one major find! Plus, Felicities mom came to town, prompting a hilarious new code name for Arrow and a touching mother-daughter scene. Miss the episode? Check out our Lost Souls recap!

Related: Find Out Who was “Haunted” in Our Arrow Season 4 Episode 5 Recap #Arrow

Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Recap With Spoilers: Lost Souls

I couldn’t wait for this episode after last week’s action packed episode! Not only did we find out Ray was alive, but Sara was saved! Such a great twist of events and so many storylines were opened up in a single episode!

The episode opens with Ray testing out his suit where it appears to do nothing followed by a huge explosion! Oliver mentions to Thea and his campaign manager that Felicity has been slammed at Palmer Tech, where we later discover that she is buried in trying to trace Ray’s message. Although the explosion happened 6 months ago, his message asking for help was sent 6 DAYS ago – that definitely lets us know that it’s real!

Thea and Oliver’s campaign manager have a discussion where he asks her on a date and mentions that he felt some chemistry between them. I was pleasantly surprised by this because I’d say it’s due time for Thea to have a new love interest!

Oliver and Felicity get into a little spat about Ray – it’s clear that Felicity is taking this very seriously and Oliver wants her to rest, shower, and clear her head. While they are discussing that, a video message pops up from Ray where he indicates that he is being held against his will by people who want his suit. It zooms out to show a VERY mini version of Ray being stored in a small glass box in a lab somewhere. Oliver and Felicity notioned for him to use his suit, but he says not only does it work, it worked a little too well. I’m interested to see what kind of people are wanting to use the suit – although my first inclination is Damien Dahrk or someone he is associated with. He tells Felicity that there is a way to unshrink him back at Palmer Tech. Oliver offers to go with, and again, we see a small argument between the two. I can only hope this isn’t the demise of my favorite TV couple, Olicity!

In the midst of a discussion with Kurtis, Felicity learns that one of the parts they need to save Ray is manufactured by their biggest competitor. During the discussion, her mom shows up! She quickly tries to get her away so she can enlist Oliver’s help to get the manifold they need from their competitor although they are still arguing.

They retrieve the part successfully, although this is the first time we see Sara back in action and she appears to still be very aggressive. Just after the part is retrieved, Ray comes back online to talk to Felicity and as they are talking, Damien appears in the background! It’s no surprise that Damien is involved in Ray’s capture but now Damien has seen Felicity and will probably try to bargain with The Arrow Crew. They have Detective Lance on the inside which can help them gain access to Ray. Felicity can’t seem to let it go. Oliver suggests dinner with Felicity’s mom which prompts another argument between the two.

Damien lets Ray know that he intercepted his message and uses Felicity as a bargaining chip to get what he wants by threatening her – while he may not act on that in this particular episode, we know she is a target for the future.

Felicity finally opens up to Oliver about how she feels that Ray’s disappearance is her fault. Because of her traveling with Oliver, she missed many of Ray’s messages. She feels like she lost herself in Oliver and she doesn’t want to be like that. In essence, she isn’t upset at him for all of the distractions from finding Ray, she just feels like their relationship isn’t healthy anymore. I’m so heartbroken over this! They’re my favorite TV couple and while I think she has a right to feel like she lost herself in Oliver, I can’t help but think these feelings might be stemming from the fact that she could be with Ray again if they find him.

Oliver and Diggle sit down for a heart to heart, where he talks about their relationship and how he wonders if this is as good as it gets. He wonders why she chose him and starts to show a little insecurity in their relationship. Their conversation is interrupted by a text from Detective Lance saying he is meeting with Damien.

The meeting between Lance and Damien is short. Detective Lance essentially asks for his help understanding “magic” and Damien makes it known that he won’t be summoned again but that he would consider helping him, and then he leaves.

In another heart to heart between Felicity and her mother, she talks about love and how losing yourself in someone is how it’s supposed to feel when you’re in love. She says not only has Felicity lost herself in Oliver, but Oliver has lost himself in Felicity too. I’m hoping she takes it to heart and they can fix their problems!

The Arrow Crew prepares to extract Ray from his location after they uncover where he is, including Kurtis. Upon trying to move into the location, Oliver is knocked out by someone in a mask. Damien reveals himself making it known that he has captured Oliver, however, the masked man who took Oliver to Damien was Diggle – it was all part of their plan. Kurtis and Felicity base jump into the building where Diggle and the rest of The Arrow Crew take out the guards. Because it is Damien’s crew, they are heavily guarded so meanwhile, Damien tries to remove Oliver’s mask and Oliver gets himself out of the chains and tries to attack Damien unsuccessfully. Damien reminds Oliver of the last time they met and uses magic to wrap the chains around his throat.

Of course, as always, there is a huge shocker when Oliver uses his OWN version of magic to disappear from the chains and the room he is being held in, which even surprises Damien.

In the other room, Felicity and Kurtis successfully resize Ray and help him escape from the box while The Arrow Crew is trying to fend off guards and also keep a hold on Sara to make sure she doesn’t lose control again. They finish the extraction and get Ray safely to the Arrow Lair.

Sara, Laurel, and Thea have a discussion about the side effects of The Pit and how she wants to handle it differently. Sara says she can’t handle it the way Thea can and she doesn’t want there to be anymore bodies. She is taking her second chance literally and starting over, she says she will visit their Mom and travel until she has it under control.

Felicity and Oliver have a conversation as well to clear the air, and she thanks him for saving Ray. Both of them are new to healthy relationships as they haven’t had good examples in the past and they seem to rekindle things. Felicity says “we found ourselves in eachother” (goosebumps, am I right?) and they fix things between eachother.

Felicity’s mom runs into Detective Lance at a bar and they start discussing their “daughter problems” with eachother where they have a very nice introduction – maybe foreshadowing a possible relationship between them. I actually think this would be great because Detective Lance needs some positivity and happiness in his life!

Thea gives a second thought to going out on a date with Oliver’s political campaign manager and agrees to meet him for drinks. This episode theme seems to be about moving on and fixing relationships, so I’m very excited to see a new love interest for Thea!

The episode closes with Damien opening his box and being told that they were able to recover some of Ray’s tech and use it as a power source. Next week, we’ll have to see where they take this because I’m curious to see what Damien could possibly want with Ray’s tech as he mentioned previously that “the whole city would see”.

Did you catch the show? What did you think of last night’s Arrow Season 4 Episode 6  Lost Souls episode?  What were your favorite moments?

15 thoughts on ““Lost Souls” and Found Heroes: Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Recap #Arrow

  1. I keep meaning to watch this. I am totally behind, but it’s definitely on my list.

  2. I’ve never seen this show but it sounds like it is entertaining. I have been making a conscious effort to read more instead of watch tv…fun yet challenging all at once.

  3. I had no idea there were more characters introduced, but it all makes sense since they are four seasons in. I am so behind this show as it is! Lol.

  4. I missed this but it sounds like I missed a lot of plot progression! It will be interesting to see what comes of the new threads next episode.

  5. okay – i have to honest here and say that I didn’t no read this past the first paragraph as it would totally spoil the episode for me that I have yet to watch . it is currently sitting on my DVR waiting for time when hubbie and I can watch it!

  6. I desperately want to get into this show! I’ve started watching it over and over again on Netflix. I think I’m half way through season 1. I don’t know what it is, it’s completely in my genre.

  7. Wow! I had no idea Arrow was to it’s 4th season already. I just started with the first season and the show is really great!

  8. I really wish Ray wasn’t back on the show. Just really don’t care for him. Glad Sarah is back on the show though. Just love Arrow. Wish Oliver would propose to felicity already.

  9. ha, you can tell I have boys. You said ‘Goosebumps’ and I thought of the scary books, lol

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