Nerdy and proud? Here are 7 movies that your inner geek is absolutely begging you to watch this season! Check them out and let the binging begin!
If you’re a geek, be proud! Believe it or not, there is a whole genre of movies meant just for people like you. Science fiction and fantasy genres aside, there are plenty of movies out there that, as a geek, you will enjoy. The inside jokes and smart-people jokes are sure to keep your entertained. Here are 7 movies for geeks that you will love and should watch ASAP!
Awesome Movies for Geeks
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1. Office Space
Office Space was released back in 1999 (old, we know!), but it has got to be one of the funniest movies of that decade. If you can relate to soul-sucking office jobs, this is the movie for you. This movie is sure to keep you laughing from beginning to end.
2. Star Wars
If you haven’t watched Star Wars, you may want to question just how geeky you really are! Star Wars is *the* geek movie of all geek movies. With 10 movies in the series, you have days, if not weeks of entertainment ahead!
3. Back to the Future
Back to the Future is another old but must-see movie. If time travel and science topics get your heart going, this movie is perfect. You’ll get a good laugh out of the predicted future technologies compared to what we have nowadays.
4. Harry Potter
A true nerd will have read the books! If you have read the books but have not watched the movies, you’re missing out! The movies are very well done and keep to the amazing story line that we’ve all grown to love. The animations throughout the movie are magical (no pun intended!).
5. Iron Man
Even if superhero movies aren’t your thing, Iron Man takes superhero and combines it with a super science-based plot. All of the Iron Man movies use all sorts of science and math lingo that only a geek will understand.
6. Lord of the Rings
Not many movies live up to the booked there are based upon, but the Lord of the Rings trilogy is worth watching. Get your nerd on while watching a fun group of guys head out to destroy the power source of the evil ruler!
7. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2001: A Space Odyssey is all about an astronaut’s trip to Jupiter along with a computer named Hal. If you like super deep nerd topics like human evolution, artificial intelligence and alien life, you’ll love this movie. Honest, anything by Stanley Kubrick belongs on a list of the best movies for geeks!
I’m proud to say that I’ve seen just about every movie on this list at least once! Some, well, I’m not even going to tell you how many times I’ve watched Harry Potter!
I have watched and re-watched all of the Harry Potter movies about a millions times. Same with Star wars.
I have never seen Back to the Future in my thirty years and I will probably never get around to it, lol. LOTR is one of my favorites!
I really need to do a Harry Potter marathon soon, they are a series of movies I can just watch over and over again.
I’ve seen all of these and loved them! I need to do a Star Wars marathon soon.
I’ll have to check out Office Space and Lord of the Rings. I love all sorts of geeky movies and enjoy movie days all weekend long.
I have actually seen all of these movies and loved them big time though I didn’t think I was a science nerd or geek lol but love it
I’ve seen all of these except for Office Space and I think I’ve only seen part of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I love all of the other choices!
The only one I have not seen is 2001: A Space Odyessy, but I did cut my wedding cake to the theme music.
Haven’t seen some of these movies, but I must say that Iron man in a must watch!Probably one of my favorite superhero films. I will definitely check out the other movies on this list. Would make for a nice movie night with friends. 🙂
I’m not going to lie, I am totally a nerd. And yes, I love just about everything on this list. Popping in some Harry Potter tonight in its anniversary’s honor!
oh my! I am a total geek when it comes to movies, especially if they are in a series! Super heros are my fave.
I love Harry Potter movies and books. I’ve seen most of those and never thought of them as movies for geeks.
These are all great movies for geeks to watch. It is funny because I have to sons that are men now but they loved all of these movies. We sometimes watches together. Thanks for sharing these awesome movies.
I have spent my whole childhood watching and growing up with HARRY POTTER. And the love is still immortal. IRON MAN, STAR WARS and LORD OF THE RINGS are the latest edition. Since JK Rowling is not coming with some new parts. I am ready to be a geek and watching this series again.
I’ve seen about half of these. I love sci-fi but I’m also picky about what I think is true sci-fi.
I only saw a couple of these movies. The Harry Potter is really good and I like the Back to the Future.
I love so many of these movies! Harry Potter is just amazing and Back to the Future is a Classic!
I have seen all these movies! I love sharing these movies with my kids as they get older.
I’ve just about seen all of these movies!! Good choice!!