5 Dangers that Your Teen Might Face in 2023

Every teen grows up in a time when they have some challenges. They should also know about some potential dangers out there in the world. They shouldn’t feel overpowering fear, but they should still exercise caution.

As a parent, you can discuss various dangers with your kids. Here are a few that should get your attention and that you should take some time to discuss.


Drugs were available when teens grew up a hundred years ago, and they’re still around now. Some substances have gone out of style, while others, like marijuana, have only become more popular.

As a parent, you should talk with your kids about various drug dangers. The illegality should enter into these talks.

class 4 felony can get you 2-6 years in prison, and even a teen can face those charges if they have enough of a particular substance on them when the police arrest them. As a parent, it would break your heart if your teen received jail time because they made a foolish mistake like that.

Talk about drugs with your kids, and make sure they know you won’t tolerate them using them. If you live in a state with legal recreational marijuana, you know you can get it more easily, but you must still reach age 21 and have a valid ID before you can do so.

Tell your kids they should not try marijuana, alcohol, or anything else while living under your roof. You might talk about drug use incidents from your own life if you feel that appropriate. If you’ve never used drugs, you may know some cautionary tales involving friends or family members.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can take many forms. You should certainly talk to your kids about it. Peer pressure might involve any inappropriate or illegal action their friends encourage that they would prefer not to do.

Make sure your teen knows that if they are hanging around anyone from school or elsewhere who wants them to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable, they should walk away. They can find other friends.

Peer pressure might involve vandalism, drug use, sexual acts, shoplifting, and more. Your teen can stand up for themselves and say no, though. This will build their character.


Bullying has gone on for decades if not centuries. In every era, you have stronger individuals who feel they should pick on the weaker ones.

Often, bullies do what they do because they feel that it improves their social standing. However, you might also have bullies who pick on smaller or weaker kids because their parents or someone else bullies them. It’s a cyclical process.

If your teen reveals that someone’s bullying them, you should talk to teachers or the principal at your teen’s school. If it’s happening outside of school, you might contact the police.

You may also see whether your teen might take a martial art or get into boxing classes. You shouldn’t encourage violence, but your teen should have skills for self-defense purposes.

Reckless Driving

If your teen gets their driver’s license at age 16, they’re probably pretty excited about that. You might let them borrow the car sometimes, or you may let them have your older-model vehicle so you can get a newer one.

You should make sure your teen obeys all traffic laws when they’re in the car. That includes obeying the speed limit and not surpassing it.

You should talk to them about wearing a seatbelt and not letting anything distract them when they’re behind the wheel. That includes adjusting the radio station, eating or drinking, or turning around to talk to their friends in the backseat.

Sexual Activity

Teens have hormones working overtime, and you know that if your teen has a boyfriend or girlfriend, they might experiment sexually. Talk to them about that as well. It’s a little embarrassing, probably for both you and them, but it’s still a talk you should have.

You probably can’t expect they will abstain entirely, but you should tell them that if they decide to do anything sexual, they should use protection. They should know they can stop at any time if their partner wants them to do anything that makes them uncomfortable.

You might also tell them they should not do anything with a partner unless they feel sure that person respects and cares about them, or they will likely regret it. You’ll feel better if you have these talks.